Paradox? What Paradox?

  “THE PARADOX DEBUNKED” Usually when I run across a British Nationalists piece of work like this, I find (as in this case) that it’s an attempt to show how stupid people are for wanting to repatriate the political and economic power to Scotland and is usually an attack of some kind on the SNP. …

Government control : Who holds the switch?

I am an ordinary man. I am a product of society’s programming. I was brought up to be a contributor to that society, to be a good husband, good father, good son, brother, cousin, nephew and most of all a good consumer.  Is this all that I am? Has living in a capitalist society made…

The Taxman and the Corporate Oil Investor

I read this years GERS yesterday. GERS stands for Government Expenditure Revenue Scotland and is an analysis of tax flowing from Scotland to the UK Treasury.  As a supporter and promoter of Scottish independence I was very pleased by the contents (or as pleased as you can be taking the source of that document).  It…


I’ve spent a long time asking anyone that supports Westminster instead of supporting Scotland and intends to vote no to give me a positive case for supporting Westminster.  To this date I’ve had none.  None at all. I looked on the “Better Together” website and the only thing I could find was marked “the +’ve…